Cardinal Cantalamessa
Alpha is a wonderful method to introduce people to a first knowledge of faith in a way that is very appropriate to modern man.
“One of the advantages of Alpha is that it focuses on the Kerygma. In the ancient church, there was a clear distinction between the Kerygma and the Didache or the Catechesis. The Kerygma was the starting point of faith, and the catechesis was to form the faith, but faith in itself blossoms by hearing the Kerygma.”

Fr. Michael Schmitz
One of the reasons that Alpha is phenomenal is because there are not that many things you can invite a person to when you are Catholic. You can invite them to bingo. theology on tap, but you don’t know those will lead them to Jesus or be even good. But when you take them to Alpha, you know it will propose Christ…, and it will be excellent and fun. So my advice is to try Alpha because Alpha is phenomenal.

Archbishop Allen Vigneron
Archbishop of Detroit — USA
“Many parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit have found Alpha a great tool for helping men and women hear the initial proclamation of the gospel. I am pleased that our use of Alpha with the archdiocesan staff has invited a recommitment to the basic truths of the gospel.”

Fr. James Mallon
Author and founder of Divine Renovation
Alpha is not a silver bullet; it’s a tool. When used as part of a larger pastoral strategy, it is the best tool that I’ve found for jump-starting and sustaining parish renewal.

Bishop Eduardo Nevares
Over the years, I have come to appreciate the profound effects that Alpha has had on so many people. Alpha provides a warm, welcoming environment where people can grapple with the deep questions of life: where do I come from; what difference can I make; where am I going; how can I find my purpose and meaning for my life, etc. Since these questions are human questions, all people are welcomed.

Bishop Felipe Estévez
Diocese of St. Augustine
“Alpha is a providential gift for us all. Alpha has the freshness of Christ; it reflects the aroma of Christ.”