Why give monthly?
Do you agree that everyone should have the opportunity to explore a relationship with Jesus, no matter where they are?
Donations from supporters like you allow us to help more people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus through Alpha each year, for free!
Every donation makes a difference. A monthly gift is powerful because it allows us to plan and provide more resources where and when needed. Thank you for considering a monthly gift.
“Thank you! Alpha has changed my life. I am now an Alpha leader, and it fills me!”

Salina Moore
It’s easy.
Your donation is automatically transferred from your bank account or your credit or debit card each month. You will receive an electronic receipt for every gift. Your donation can be increased, decreased, or canceled at any time. Please contact us at donations@alphausa.org or call 1-800-362-5742 ext 4 if you have additional questions or need more information.
Give by check:
Alpha USA
P.O. Box 7491
Carol Stream, IL 60197
It’s safe.
Alpha USA will not trade, share, or sell a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations. This policy is applicable to both online and offline donors.
Alpha USA protects user information with the following security measures: hardware firewalls, password protection, SSL encryption and other technology and procedures used to protect consumer privacy. You can read about our privacy policy here.
It’s important.
As a Friend of Alpha, you will receive monthly updates with stories of people whose lives have been changed by encountering Jesus. Your support helps make all of this possible.
What does my monthly gift do?
Your generosity allows us to provide the training and resources churches and ministries need to run Alpha at no cost. Because of your donations, people have the chance to discover and develop a relationship with Jesus, experience the Holy Spirit, and share their faith with others.

Shares the gospel
Supporting Alpha USA is an investment to share the love and message of Jesus with people who have questions about life and faith. Your gifts enable churches and ministries to run Alpha in communities across the country and reach people with the transforming love of Jesus.

Creates new content
Donors provide the resources for our team to create new content and training for church leaders, hosts and helpers, and to support churches running Alpha Online. We regularly update invitations, emcee notes, leader guides, and we give it all away for free.

Trains and equips leaders
Your gifts support Alpha staff who provide training for churches and leaders to run Alpha, reach out to new communities with Alpha, engage coaches and volunteers, and develop prayer resources.
“My wife, Brenna, and I recently married, and Alpha has been an important part of our story and relationship. Together we have participated in and/or helped lead seven Alpha courses so far, and we are looking forward to more. We are passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus with those who do not know him, and we believe that Alpha is the best way to do so! We cannot think of a mission worthier of our time, talent, and treasure.”

Jason Samikkannu
“We support Alpha because we truly believe we have a responsibility to share the love of Jesus, not only locally, but throughout the world. Alpha is a wonderful ministry that spreads the gospel in a personal, welcoming manner and has no boundaries. It’s an honor to share some of the blessings we have received with others to see them come to the Lord, grow, and have a personal relationship with Jesus.“

Neville Fernandes
“In our experience as donors, hosts, and facilitators of Alpha courses, Alpha is uniquely effective at engaging both serious skeptics and those who have been deeply wounded by the Church. Every time we see the fruit of an Alpha course, we look at each other and ask why we do anything else with our time and financial resources; absolutely nothing compares to watching individuals move from death to life before your eyes.”

Ben and Heather Grizzle
You can visit our Giving FAQs page and find answers to commonly asked questions.
Contact us
Please contact us at donations@alphausa.org or call 1-800-362-5742 ext 2 if you have additional questions or need more information.
P.O. Box 7491, Carol Stream, IL 60197
Because of you
Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, thousands of people have encountered the love of Jesus in a uniquely gentle and profound way through Alpha. Here are a few of their stories.