You've got the dream we've got a team!

We can help you run your best Alpha yet!

“Madison gave me the courage to start Alpha Youth. Now, multiple students have given their lives to Christ, and hundreds know who Jesus truly is through being a part of Alpha.”

– Mitch, The Bridge Church at Bear Breek, Lakewood, CO, Director of Student Ministries

You've got the dream, we've got a team!

We can help you run your best Alpha yet!

“Madison gave me the courage to start Alpha Youth. Now, multiple students have given their lives to Christ, and hundreds know who Jesus truly is through being a part of Alpha.”

– Mitch, The Bridge Church at Bear Breek, Lakewood, CO, Director of Student Ministries

What is an Alpha specialist?

Our team of specialists are experts at all things Alpha! With a passion for Alpha and stories of lives changed to back it up, each team member brings the collective learnings and innovations of over 10,000 churches running Alpha this year to every interaction.

If you’re just starting out with Alpha, running Alpha regularly, or ready to share the vision of Alpha with others, we are ready to help! Youth or University setting? This team’s got you covered!

From Alpha leaders just like you:

Areas we can help...



  • We can help you...

    • Pilot Alpha in a new context
    • Find the best resources
    • Build your Alpha team
    • Invite more guests
    • Plan the time away
    • Navigate after Alpha
    • Just about anything else!

    Have more questions? Visit our FAQs page.

  • We can help you...

    • Take Alpha into your community
    • Develop leaders through Alpha
    • Plant churches through Alpha
    • Launch city-wide movements
    • Build multi-cultural bridges
    • Fulfill your church vision with Alpha
    • Just about anything else!

    Have more questions? Visit our FAQs page.

Connect Today. Transform Tomorrow.


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2 : MEET

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Activate your full Alpha potential.

Get connected. Lead Alpha well.

We already can’t wait to meet you!

We’re easy to reach. Schedule a time to talk or drop us an email today.

Have questions about Alpha?

Checkout our chatbot – Alphie, located in the lower right-hand corner!


This track is full of amazing main-stage speakers who will showcase the power of prayer in every generation, equip you to live a naturally supernatural life and train you to heal as Jesus did. Senior pastors, church leaders, non-profit leaders, this track is you!

Workshops in this Track

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